Kart Locker introduces the first child resistant vape pen packaging we created and designed for Air Vapor. Its known for its high quality look and feel, availability to brand (printing & custom finishes), having a small footprint for our environment, and having flexibility. The Kart Locker box has a form interior that can take any form a client would like to fit. The instructions on the side highlight how to open the box effectivity and easy. Below you see different styles and designs for the box.
Producing the Kart Locker logo came from the inspiration of a primary strong color with a unique take on font. I wanted to make sure the logo was easy to read and simple for the audience. It signifies security and safely all in just one look.
examples of the kart locker boxes:
Designing the website was a priority to let our customers know what Kart Locker is and what we stand for. The home page show the variety of boxes we offer and different ideas on how your own company can design the box or ask me for help! I wanted the focus point to be the Kart locker so when people come to visit the website you know why you are viewing it and what it is all about. It’s an easy way to see what it is and be able to contact us with any questions or inquiries. I loved the simplicity and the photos I produced to create the website.
I also wanted to make a video with my own two hands to show how to open the box with having to actually read the labels. I am a visual person and I think one of the best ways to show our clients how to use it is by showing it by video.
Flyers were also important to help bring more attention to this amazing new packaging product and make it affordable to the public. We are here for our clients and helping them in any way possible, even through design!