Tipsi Taxi is an initial start to a leading company that helps our guests be able to ride their own vehicles and be safely transported back home by driving you and your friends. Unlike Lyft and Uber, Tipsi Taxi’s goal is to let the guests be in control of their night, by having them drive to where they want to from the beginning of the night to letting us handle it by the end of the night. For many it has been a challenge to be able to drive back home safely after a long unexpected night out with your loved one, friends or family members. Without any limitations on what you can do, we are here to help and provide safety by the end of the night or day.
As a freelance graphic designer for this project I had the challenge to create the entire brand from scratch. The goal for the company was to showcase the use of location and speediness. We are here for your safety and your needs. As straight forward as the words indicate, i was able to use color and simple vector shapes. The color blue and yellow are to highlight the idea of the taxi service, bringing the use of the old style of the yellow cab but still adding a secondary color that are both primary. With the use of the location indicator and the use of the swish on the bottom, the mission is to show we can come to you an place near the San Francisco Bay Area. All teams would also use scooters to help get to your destination, which also highlights the half circle on the bottom.
As the company develops I get the chance to design the look and feel of the app. With the use of User Interface and User Experience principles, I am working through the flow and characteristics of what our guests will use for the service. It highlights the process of the service and Tipsi Taxi’s mission. Currently in its development stage, we want to make sure it is reliable and easy to use.
Marketing supplies are very important to start this new adventure of a service. I had the pleasure to create multiple uses of supplies that can help Tipsi Taxi shine and get the word out. Stickers and t-shirts to bring awareness of the service. I also created flyers to pass out to reflect on the mission and service that will be coming soon!